Read Memorial Organ – (Sold in the 1980’s).
In a pamphlet, published in 1903, Mr Herbert Read made these following comments on the music in the early days of our church.
“Whilst still in old Shoe Factory our later brother, Mr Bruty, interested himself in the musical portion of the services, and though labouring under many disadvantages, organized a string band and a choir. The latter now numbers thirty-two members and is rendering useful service to the church”.
A New organ for a New church.
The “brick built” church of 1929 did not have a suitable organ so a scheme was undertaken to purchase one which would be dedicated to Herbert Read.
The Organ “opening” – 1933.
The Organ was “opened” on May 25th 1933 with a concert by Gatty Sellars a famous organist of the time
A video of Gatty Sellars playing at Methodist Central Hall Westminster can be found on YouTube HERE…
The front cover of the programme is produced here and a pdf copy of the entire programme can be found by clicking the following link: New Organ Opening