Our Activities

Our church brings together people from all walks of life. We want everybody to be able to find an opportunity to participate in the church life, to express their faith in a way they find appropriate and congenial and to feel at home here. 

Here are some of the groups that are active in our church. 

House Groups

There are four House Groups that meet on a fortnightly basis during school terms. The Groups follow a variety of resources that help people to deepen their understanding of the Bible and to think through issues of life and faith. The groups meet on Monday at 7:30pm, Wednesday at 8:00pm and on Thursday and Friday mornings at 10:30am. The resources that the groups use are available via the links to the left. So if you are unable to join a group, you can still participate.

If you are interested joining one of the groups, or have any questions, please contact Johanna Mason 01727 836494.

Warm Welcome Café

The Warm Welcome Café is open every Tuesday morning from 9:30am to 11:30am. Freshly brewed coffee and tea and homemade cakes are provided. Visitors may make a donation if they wish.

Everyone is welcome, whether they plan to meet friends for a chat, need a sympathetic ear to listen to a problem or would simply like to sit and read a newspaper. There is a selection of table-top board games to enjoy and a jigsaw exchange.
A children’s area, equipped with books and a variety of quiet toys, is designed to help parents or carers of young children keep their little ones occupied while they enjoy a well-earned cuppa.
The café runs throughout the year, including half terms and holidays. Do come along!

Babies and toddlers

The Babies & Toddlers group for pre- school children and their carers meets on Wednesdays in term time from 9:45am– 11:30am (come early as it is very popular and numbers have to be limited).

There is a wide range of toys and play equipment for the children as well as craft activities, singing, coffee and refreshments. Adults are responsible for their own children and must remain with them. There is a charge of £2 for adults £1 for children, cash only, which includes a cup of coffee/tea and a snack. At the moment we are asking for parents/carers to bring drinks for their own children. The session is run by members of the Church, but is for everyone in the local community.

Church Walks

Church Walks normally take place on the last Saturday of the month and are open to adults and children, friends and family. They are an enjoyable way to explore local countryside in the company of others. Walks are usually about 5 miles in length, commencing at 10am and taking around 2 to 2 1/2 hours. The routes follow footpaths which can often be muddy, so good footwear is advisable. There is sometimes an opportunity to stop somewhere for lunch or refreshments after a walk.

For more information contact Denise Willingham.

Sunday Club and Youth Fellowship

We sing, we pray, we read the Bible. We re-enact some of those Biblical stories in worship. We play online quizzes. We even ocassionally take charge of the whole Sunday morning service for the whole congregation!

Sunday Club: ages 5–11 years
Youth Fellowship: ages 11–18 years 

Sunday Club takes place every second and third Sunday of the month. Parents of babies and very young children are welcome to use the story bags in the church or, if they wish, the next door room. All leaders and helpers have had a DBS check and have attended Safeguarding training. All groups sometimes serve snacks as part of the session. Please inform your child’s group leader of any food allergies or intolerances.

For more information, please contact our Sunday club leadership: Caroline Tough and Tomas Cvrcek.

Junior Mission for All (JMA)

The JMA Promise is to: Learn, pray and serve with the world-wide Church of Jesus Christ.

JMA was created to help children be involved in and learn about projects working with people in Britain and other countries. Children in the congregation collect money for JMA, by arrangement, from adult worshippers either, on a regular or ad hoc basis, and their efforts are recognised in our annual JMA service. Members of the Church are invited to support one of the children through a regular donation, which need not be a large amount – some of us still remember collecting old “ship” ha’pennies each week (approximately 0.2p).

If you would like to do this please ask to speak to the JMA Secretary Ruth Wallace.

Our Music Group

Our services draw on a variety of music utilising songs and hymns, both old and new, played on organ, piano and other instruments. Music is led by the Music Group who rehearse on each Thursday at 8pm. The Group consists of both singers and musicians using a variety of instruments. Methodism was born in song and, as such, music and singing play a very important role in our life and worship. Occasionally our services are led by our Youth Band comprising young people and children from our Sunday Club.

If you would like to join the Music Group or find out more, contact Joanna Rose.

Creativity in Fellowship Arts Group

This group meets on alternate Fridays during term time from 10am to 12pm in the Wesley Room.

The group is not tutored so people bring their own craft (painting, drawing, sewing or making) to work on while we share a cup of tea and fellowship together. There is usually a theme for the session but the craft brought does not have to follow the theme.

If interested, contact Maggie Dodd.