Category: Circuit Day of Prayer

Time/Talents/Tithes – Stewardship

Time/Talents:  Being part of a Church does not just mean coming to church on Sunday, although that’s a very good start! This Circuit and its individual churches thrive because its members get involved and...


Guidance on Fasting

Fasting is voluntarily going without food or any other regularly enjoyed, good gift from God for the sake of some spiritual purpose. It is markedly counter-cultural in our consumerist society. One significant part of...


Circuit Day of Prayer and Fasting – Schedule

Date Time Location Friday 15th 6pm Prayer and Praise at Ludwick Way – Deacon Linda Kinchenton 7pm Radlett, Hatfield Road, St Albans and St Johns, Potters Bar 8pm Hatfield Road, St Albans and Marlborough...
