Author: admin

Harvest Celebration at Hatfield Road

Our newly refurbished hall was the perfect setting for us to celebrate harvest, where 85 people with an age range of 90 years joined in socialising, country dancing and eating.  Flowers decorated the hall,...


Advent 2018 – Day Eight – Singing in the rain

The song which came to me today is Singing in the rain. The second verse is particularly appropriate but I quote from the more familiar first verse. I’m laughing at clouds So dark up...


Advent 2018 – Day Seven – Bring me to life

It is one of the wonders of nature that a tree cut to a stump close to the ground will often sprout new shoots and burst back into life. In our lesson today the...


Prayer Labyrinths – Introduction

Labyrinth Journey’s Having used my Cross Labyrinth in our recent Lenten Journey. It has inspired me to add the resources I produced for a Circuit Quiet Day which used this and three other shaped...
