We are pleased to inform you that we are planning to restart our Babies and Toddlers group on the 13th September 2023.
The Babies & Toddlers group for pre-school children (up to the age of four) and their carers a maximum of 3 children per adult is preferred. Babies and Toddlers meets on Wednesdays in term time from 9.45am – 11.30am.
There is a wide range of toys and play equipment for the children as well as craft activities, singing, coffee and refreshments. Adults are responsible for their own children and must remain with them.
There is a charge of £2 for adults £1 for children, cash only, which includes a cup of coffee/tea and a snack. At the moment we are asking for parents/carers to bring drinks for their own children.
The session is run by members of the Church, but is for everyone in the local community.