Singing the Faith – Copyright licencees information
This is a table of the copyright licencee schemes for each hymn in Singing the Faith. In order to use for projection or printed sheets the church using them must hold the appropriate licence – either CCLI or One License and report usage in the normal manner.
Hymns with a pink background (e.g. No 12) are not covered by either of these schemes and details of the copyright requirements for each of these will be added to this page as they are identified. In the meantime these should NOT be projected or used on printed sheets.
Use of physical hymn books removes the need for a licence, as copyright is paid from the publisher and forms part of the cost of the book.
Where “GENERAL” permission is indicated we have taken the view that the permissions found or obtained are for all worship and so these can be used anywhere in a worship context. There are one or two “SPECIFIC” permissions where the copyright holder has only given permission to the church which has contacted them!
List updated 3rd February 2025 Changes are marked in Yellow.
Without any intenton from me as I put this together, this page is used by a number of churches around the Connexion. If you notice any errors (hopefully not) or have permissions or contact details for any of the hymns marked “None” can you please let me know on “chrishancock_kn(at)” NB replace the (at) with the symbol… Thanks very much. Chris
Church Licences details
Marlborough Road Methodist Church | CCLI: 8513 | One License | TBC |
Hatfield Road Methodist Church | CCLI: 4955 Streaming: 989812 |
One License & Streaming |
A-738869 |
Shenley Methodist Church | CCLI: 552571 | One License | TBC |
Radlett United Free Church | CCLI: 66878 | One License | TBC |
St John’s Methodist Church | CCLI: 5207 | One License | TBC |
Digswell Village Church | CCLI: 1201261 | One License | TBC |
Ludwick Way Methodist Church | CCLI: 2888838 | One License | TBC |
Oxlease Methodist Church | CCLI: 603482 | One License | TBC |
Birchwood Methodist Church | CCLI: 2196131 | One License | TBC |
Singing the Faith licence scheme details
1 | All people that on earth do dwell | Public Domain | |
2 | Come, let us sing to the one | CCLI | 4107640 |
3 | Eternal God, your love’s tremendous glory | CCLI | 1530413 |
4 | Father in heaven | One License | 119282 |
5 | Father, in whom we live | Public Domain | |
6 | Father, we love you | CCLI | 1383 |
7 | God, who made the stars of heaven | One License | 30403 |
8 | God with us: Creator, Father | CCLI | 3529140 |
9 | Hail! Holy, holy, holy Lord! | Public Domain | |
10 | Holy, holy | CCLI | 1540719 |
11 | Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! | Public Domain | |
12 | Morning glory, starlit sky | One License | 0835 |
13 | Sing of a God in majestic divinity | CCLI | 1723426 |
14 | Sing to him in whom creation | CCLI | 1094825 |
15 | The splendour of the king | CCLI | 4348399 |
16 | We give immortal praise | Public Domain | |
17 | With gladness we worship, rejoice as we sing | Public Domain | |
18 | Be still and know that I am God | Public Domain | |
19 | Be still and know that I am God | Public Domain | |
20 | Be still, for the presence of the Lord | CCLI | 120824 |
21 | Born in song | CCLI | 4191371 |
22 | Come all you people, come and praise your maker | One License | AF2019071 |
23 | Come, Holy Spirit | CCLI | 1518851 |
24 | Come, now is the time to worship | CCLI | 2430948 |
25 | God is here! As we his people | CCLI | 2566496 |
26 | I rejoiced when I heard them say | One License | 98231 |
27 | Jesu Tawo panu | One License | |
28 | Jesus calls us here to meet him | CCLI | 878695 |
29 | Jesus leads us to the Father | CCLI | 4515971 |
30 | Jesus, stand among us | CCLI | 40155 |
31 | May the glory of the lord fill his temple | General permission given by Jonathan Nowell in email to Chris 9/9/2021 | |
32 | Meet and right it is to sing | Public Domain | |
33 | O Lord we are always in you presence | One License | D-0217 |
34 | O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness | Public Domain | |
35 | The trumpets sound, the angels sing | CCLI | 190672 |
36 | There’s a quiet understanding | CCLI | 15135 |
37 | You’re calling us | CCLI | 5463163 |
38 | Wa wa wa Emimimo | Public Domain | |
39 | Angel voices, ever singing | Public Domain | |
40 | Blessed be the name of the Lord | One License | 59204 |
41 | Blessed be Your name in the land that is plentiful | CCLI | 3798438 |
42 | O sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song | One License | 6533 |
43 | Come, let us praise the Lord | One License | 106290 |
44 | Come on and celebrate | CCLI | 189511 |
45 | Earth’s creator, everyday God | One License | 116630 |
46 | Everlasting God | CCLI | 3994706 |
47 | Faithful God, faithful God | CCLI | 872433 |
48 | From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea | CCLI | 4403076 |
49 | God beyond all names | CCLI | 5502172 |
50 | Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise | CCLI | 10769 |
51 | Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father | CCLI | 18723 |
52 | He is exalted | CCLI | 17827 |
53 | How shall I sing that majesty | Public Domain | |
54 | I will worship | CCLI | 487976 |
55 | Immortal, invisible, God only wise | Public Domain | |
56 | King of Glory, King of Peace | Public Domain | |
57 | Let all the world in every corner sing | Public Domain | |
58 | Lord, I come before Your throne of grace | CCLI | 605095 |
59 | Lord, the light of Your love is shining | CCLI | 30426 |
60 | My soul rejoices in God my Saviour | One License | 80096 |
61 | Our God is a great big God | CCLI | 3373437 |
62 | Our God is an awesome God | CCLI | 41099 |
63 | Over all the earth, you reign on high | CCLI | 2490706 |
64 | Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You | CCLI | 4662491 |
65 | Sing of the Lord’s Goodness, Father of all wisdom | One License | 80537 |
66 | The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases | CCLI | 21590 |
67 | This, this is the God we adore | Public Domain | |
68 | Worship God with the morning sunrise | CCLI | 4517670 |
69 | Ye holy angels bright | Public Domain | |
70 | Always remember, never forget | CCLI | 3578311 |
71 | Even as the world began | CCLI | 4490948 |
72 | Father God, I wonder | CCLI | 58202 |
73 | Fill thou my life, O Lord my God | Public Domain | |
74 | For the music of creation | CCLI | 3103968 |
75 | From all that dwell below the skies | Public Domain | |
76 | Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising | Public Domain | |
77 | Give thanks to the lord, our God and King (Forever) | CCLI | 3148428 |
78 | Give thanks with a grateful heart | CCLI | 20285 |
79 | I’ll praise my maker while I’ve breath | Public Domain | |
80 | My God, I am thine | Public Domain | |
81 | Now thank we all our God | Public Domain | |
82 | O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder | CCLI | 14181 |
83 | Praise, my soul, the King of heaven | Public Domain | |
84 | Praise the Lord, his glories show | Public Domain | |
85 | Praise the Lord who reigns above | Public Domain | |
86 | Praise the Lord! You heavens, adore him | Public Domain | |
87 | Praise to the living God! | Public Domain | |
88 | Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation | Permission given by the beneficiaries of the estate of the late Rupert Davies | |
89 | Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord | CCLI | 4556538 |
90 | Sweet is the work, my God, my King | Public Domain | |
91 | The God of Abraham Praise | Public Domain | |
92 | Think of a world without any flowers | CCLI | 877634 |
93 | Though the fruit tree doesn’t blossom | CCLI | 3502095 |
94 | To God be the glory, great things he has done! | Public Domain | |
95 | We praise you, O God; acclaim you as Lord | One License | 80128 |
96 | We sing of your glory | One License | |
97 | When all your mercies, O my God | Public Domain | |
98 | Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging | CCLI | 3091812 |
99 | All creatures of our God and King | Public Domain | |
100 | All things bright and beautiful | Public Domain |
101 | Before the world began | CCLI | 1037466 |
102 | For the beauty of the earth | Public Domain | |
103 | God is Love: let heaven adore him | Public Domain | 3006436 |
104 | God moves in a mysterious way | Public Domain | |
105 | God said, God said world | None | |
106 | God, whose almighty word | Public Domain | |
107 | I sing the almighty power of God | Public Domain | |
108 | In the beginning God played with the planets | CCLI | 2994549 |
109 | In the darkness of the still night | CCLI | 3171938 |
110 | In the wonder of creation | CCLI | 6149280 |
111 | Lord of the boundless curves of space | CCLI | 230635 |
112 | O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth | CCLI | 4565828 |
113 | O worship the King, all-glorious above | Public Domain | |
114 | Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure | One License | 64381 |
115 | Praise ye the Lord! ‘Tis good to raise | Public Domain | |
116 | Sing for God’s glory that colours the dawn of creation | One License | 48443 |
117 | Sing praise to God who reigns above | Public Domain | 6417840 |
118 | Tell me who made all of creation | CCLI | 2642310 |
119 | God Of Eve And God Of Mary | CCLI | 1046574 |
120 | We gladly celebrate and praise | CCLI | 3571631 |
121 | Autumn days when the grass is jewelled | CCLI | 961540 |
122 | God, whose farm is all creation | CCLI | 2802246 |
123 | Come, you thankful people, come | CCLI | 1039093 |
124 | For the fruits of all creation | CCLI | 3371769 |
125 | Praise and thanksgiving | CCLI | 451751 |
126 | Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field | CCLI | 7051083 |
127 | Sing to the great Jehovah’s praise | Public Domain | |
128 | The harvest is here | General | Permission is hereby freely granted to reproduce material for one-off or occasional use in non-commercial settings only, provided that the appropriate copyright attribution is included. |
129 | To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise | Public Domain | |
130 | We plough the fields, and scatter | Public Domain | |
131 | By a monument of marble | CCLI | 7135392 |
132 | O God, our help in ages past | Public Domain | |
133 | To be a soldier | CCLI | 4924153 |
134 | Christ, whose glory fills the skies | Public Domain | |
135 | I owe my Lord a morning song | CCLI | 4557180 |
136 | Morning has broken | One License (words) CCLI (Music) | 118118 |
137 | New every morning is the love | Public Domain | |
138 | O God, beyond all thought | CCLI | 2467430 |
139 | Today I awake | CCLI | 3664067 |
140 | We praise God in the morning when the sun is bright | CCLI | 1063131 |
141 | Abide with me; fast falls the eventide | Public Domain | |
142 | Glory to thee, my God, this night | Public Domain | |
143 | Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured | Public Domain | |
144 | Here are my thoughts, Lord, here is my mind | None | |
145 | Night has fallen | CCLI | 1513911 |
146 | Now that evening falls | CCLI | 4927576 |
147 | The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended | Public Domain | |
148 | Come, let us with our Lord arise | Public Domain | |
149 | First of the week and finest day | CCLI | 3090899 |
150 | This is the day of rest | CCLI | 4924098 |
151 | This is the day the Lord has made | Public Domain | |
152 | This is the day | Public Domain | |
153 | Break thou the bread of life | Public Domain | |
154 | Come, divine Interpreter | Public Domain | |
155 | Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire | Public Domain | |
156 | From the breaking of the dawn | CCLI | 4642105 |
157 | God has spoken – by his prophets | CCLI | 2647559 |
158 | Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders | CCLI | 2623975 |
159 | Not far beyond the sea nor high | None | |
160 | Powerful in making us wise to salvation | CCLI | 3109728 |
161 | Speak, O Lord, as we come to you | CCLI | 4615235 |
162 | The prophets’ voice comes down the years | None | |
163 | When listening prophets dare to speak | CCLI | 3922417 |
164 | Your words to me are life and health | Public Domain | |
165 | Advent candles tell their story | CCLI | 5850491 |
166 | Christmas is coming | CCLI | 1053608 |
167 | Colours of day dawn into the mind | CCLI | 550092 |
168 | Come, Lord Jesus, come | CCLI | 959985 |
169 | Come, thou long-expected Jesus | Public Domain | |
170 | Darkness like a shroud covers the earth | CCLI | 192931 |
171 | Hark the glad sound! The saviour comes | Public Domain | |
172 | Hills of the north, rejoice | Public Domain | |
173 | Into the darkness of this world | CCLI | 1044277 |
174 | Light a candle in a darkened place | CCLI | 2311672 |
175 | Light of the world | CCLI | 3266032 |
176 | Like a candle flame | CCLI | 30392 |
177 | Lo, he comes with clouds descending | Public Domain | |
178 | Long ago, prophets knew | CCLI | 2879217 |
179 | You will hear the trumpet sound | Public Domain | |
180 | O come, O come, Immanuel | Public Domain | |
181 | Of the Father’s love begotten | Public Domain | |
182 | On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry | Public Domain | |
183 | Praise to the God who clears the way | None | |
184 | Round orange, round orange, you serve as a sign | CCLI | 1026855 |
185 | Sing we the King who is coming to reign | Public Domain | |
186 | Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! | CCLI | 2402653 |
187 | The Angel Gabriel from heaven came | Public Domain | |
188 | There’s a light upon the mountains | Public Domain | |
189 | Wild and lone the prophet’s voice | CCLI | 3390874 |
190 | Angels, from the realms of Glory | Public Domain | |
191 | Away in a manger, no crib for a bed | Public Domain | |
192 | Beneath the paper wrappings | None | SJPB email from author “I’m always happy to give permission” taken as Circuit wide. |
193 | Born in the night | CCLI | 5005851 |
194 | Child of joy and peace | CCLI | 4009085 |
195 | Christians, awake, salute the happy morn | Public Domain | |
196 | Come and join the celebration | CCLI | 571426 |
197 | Cradled in a manger, meanly | Public Domain | |
198 | Emmanuel, Emmanuel | CCLI | 12949 |
199 | Glory be to God on high | Public Domain | |
200 | God is born among us: earth receives the Christ child | CCLI | 3996797 |
201 | Good news, good news to you we bring, alleluia! | CCLI | 30220 |
202 | Hark! Tthe herald-angels sing | Public Domain | |
203 | I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside | CCLI | 4008615 |
204 | In the bleak midwinter | Public Domain | |
205 | It came upon the midnight clear | Public Domain | |
206 | It was on a starry night when the hills were bright | CCLI | 643909 |
207 | Jesus is the heart of Christmas | None | |
208 | Let earth and heaven combine | Public Domain | |
209 | Let me tell you about a baby, and his family | CCLI | 1095398 |
210 | Love came down at Christmas | Public Domain | |
211 | Night of peace | CCLI | 3921638 |
212 | O come, all ye faithful | Public Domain | |
213 | O little town of Bethlehem | Public Domain | |
214 | Once in royal David’s city | Public Domain | |
215 | See, amid the winter’s snow | Public Domain | |
216 | See him lying on a bed of straw | CCLI | 3941962 |
217 | Silent night, holy night | Public Domain | |
218 | Unto us a boy is born! | Public Domain | |
219 | We see the eyes of Mary shine | CCLI | 5154252 |
220 | When a young unmarried couple | None | |
221 | While shepherds watched their flocks by night | Public Domain | |
222 | Who would think that what was needed | CCLI | 2770017 |
223 | A special star, a special star | CCLI | 1574792 |
224 | As with gladness men of old | Public Domain | |
225 | Bethlehem of noblest cities | Public Domain | |
226 | Birth brings a promise of new life awaking | CCLI | 5101212 |
227 | Brightest and best of the sons of the morning | Public Domain | |
228 | Hail to the Lord’s Anointed | Public Domain | |
229 | Mary and Joseph | CCLI | 3351394 |
230 | Riding out across the desert | CCLI | 6083724 |
231 | The silent stars shine down on us | One License | |
232 | Through long years of watchful waiting | None | |
233 | When Jesus came to Jordan | CCLI | 2564467 |
234 | Behold the Lamb of God, behold the Lamb of God | CCLI | 872213 |
235 | Christ our redeemer knew temptation’s hour | CCLI | 1546706 |
236 | Forty days and forty nights | CCLI | 1041177 |
237 | Jesus, tempted in the desert | One License | |
238 | Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us | Public Domain | |
239 | Sent by the lord am I | CCLI | 1164690 |
240 | When we are tested and wrestle alone | CCLI | 5217838 |
241 | When we were in the darkest night | CCLI | 5120372 |
242 | A new commandment I give unto you | Public Domain | |
243 | A rich young man came seeking | CCLI | 3682111 |
244 | Blest are the pure in heart | Public Domain | |
245 | Blest are they, the poor in spirit | One License | |
246 | He came to earth in poverty | CCLI | 5015717 |
247 | I danced in the morning | CCLI | 78529 |
248 | I heard the voice of Jesus say | Public Domain | |
249 | Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love | CCLI | 3049039 |
250 | Jesus calls us! O’er The tumult | Public Domain | |
251 | Jesus Christ is waiting | CCLI | 996498 |
252 | Jesus the Lord said “I am the Bread” | CCLI | 2647999 |
253 | Love inspired the anger | CCLI | 1595324 |
254 | Seek ye first the kingdom of God | CCLI | 1352 |
255 | The kingdom of God is justice and joy | One License | 28013 |
256 | When I needed a neighbour, were you there, were you there? | CCLI | 227923 |
257 | Would you walk by on the other side | None | |
258 | You are the Vine | CCLI | 52538 |
259 | Jesus, on the mountain peak | CCLI | 3109498 |
260 | Swiftly pass the clouds of glory | CCLI | 830640 |
261 | Transfigured Christ, none comprehends | CCLI | 3568455 |
262 | All glory, laud, and honour | Public Domain | |
263 | Hosanna, Hosanna, hosanna in the highest! | CCLI | 21545 |
264 | Make way, make way, for Christ the King | CCLI | 121074 |
265 | Ride on, ride on in majesty! | Public Domain | |
266 | All the room was hushed and still | CCLI | 5490167 |
267 | Jesus in the olive grove | CCLI | 1076609 |
268 | Sing, my tongue, the Saviour’s glory | Public Domain | |
269 | To see the King of heaven fall (Gethsemane hymn) | CCLI | 5567746 |
270 | Come and see, come and see | CCLI | 192405 |
271 | Come, wounded Healer, your sufferings reveal | CCLI | 3120147 |
272 | From heaven you came, helpless babe | CCLI | 78897 |
273 | Here hangs a man discarded | CCLI | 3590959 |
274 | Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice | CCLI | 1564362 |
275 | Jesus the carpenter, hanging on Calvary | CCLI | 4514934 |
276 | Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim | CCLI | 3236938 |
277 | My song is love unknown | Public Domain | |
278 | O Love divine, what have you done! | Public Domain | |
279 | O precious sight, my Saviour stands | CCLI | 4886507 |
280 | O sacred head, sore wounded | General | Permission given by the beneficiaries of the estate of the late Rupert Davies |
281 | See the Lamb of God | CCLI | 6155607 |
282 | Stay here where nails are driven | CCLI | 4968171 |
283 | The desolate Messiah dies | CCLI | 5914430 |
284 | There is a green hill far away | Public Domain | |
285 | Were you there when they crucified my Lord? | Public Domain | |
286 | What kind of love is this | CCLI | 40753 |
287 | When I survey the wondrous cross | Public Domain | |
288 | When I think about the cross | CCLI | 1574895 |
289 | When my love for Christ grows weak | Public Domain | |
290 | Who would ever have believed it? | CCLI | 4672436 |
291 | “Why has God forsaken me?” | CCLI | 5293106 |
292 | After darkness, light | CCLI | 2488718 |
293 | All heaven declares | CCLI | 120556 |
294 | All you that seek the Lord who died | Public Domain | |
295 | Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord | CCLI | 32376 |
296 | Christ has risen while earth slumbers | CCLI | 1980987 |
297 | Christ is alive! Let Christians sing | CCLI | 68041 |
298 | Christ the Lord is risen today | Public Domain | |
299 | Easter jubilation fills the streets and towns | CCLI | 1574840 |
300 | Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! | Public Domain | |
301 | Hail thou once despised Jesus | Public Domain | |
302 | He has risen | CCLI | 1045252 |
303 | I know that my Redeemer lives | Public Domain | |
304 | Jesus is risen, alleluia! | CCLI | 4563789 |
305 | Low in the grave he lay | Public Domain | |
306 | Now the green blade rises from the buried grain | CCLI | 472486 |
307 | On the day of resurrection | CCLI | 3251377 |
308 | On the journey to Emmaus with our hearts cold as stone | One License | |
309 | See, what a morning, gloriously bright | CCLI | 4108797 |
310 | Sing a song, sing a joyful song | CCLI | 1574905 |
311 | The day of resurrection | Public Domain | |
312 | The head that once was crowned with thorns | Public Domain | |
313 | Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son | Public Domain | |
314 | This joyful Eastertide | CCLI | 996388 |
315 | We sing the praise of Jesus | General | The words of this hymn have been cleared by the copyright holder, the Revd Norman Wallwork, for reproduction on local service sheets and also for projection via the Singing the Faith electronic words edition or in other projected formats. STF+ website |
316 | When Easter to the dark world came | CCLI | 875382 |
317 | At the name of Jesus | Public Domain | |
318 | Christ, our king before creation | None | |
319 | Christ triumphant, ever reigning | CCLI | 647778 |
320 | Father, whose everlasting love | Public Domain | |
321 | Great is he who’s the King of kings | Public Domain | |
322 | How sweet the name of Jesus sounds | Public Domain | |
323 | I will sing the wondrous story | CCLI | 2645726 |
324 | In a byre near Bethlehem | CCLI | 1048936 |
325 | Jesus Christ – Perfect Love | CCLI | 4504700 |
326 | Jesus comes with all his grace | Public Domain | |
327 | Jesus is King and I will extol Him | CCLI | 56558 |
328 | Jesus shall reign where’er the sun | Public Domain | |
329 | Jesus, the First and Last | Public Domain | |
330 | Joy to the World, the Lord is come! | Public Domain | |
331 | King of Kings, majesty | CCLI | 1581778 |
332 | Lord, I lift your name on high | CCLI | 117947 |
333 | Majesty, worship His majesty | CCLI | 1527 |
334 | Praise to the Holiest in the height | Public Domain | |
335 | Rejoice, the Lord is King! | Public Domain | |
336 | Son of God, if your free grace | Public Domain | |
337 | There is a higher throne | CCLI | 3994672 |
338 | There is a Redeemer | CCLI | 11483 |
339 | When you prayed beneath the trees | CCLI | 1048053 |
340 | Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim | Public Domain | |
341 | All for Jesus – all for Jesus | None | |
342 | All hail the power of Jesu’s name! | Public Domain | |
343 | All my days I will sing this song of gladness | CCLI | 2492216 |
344 | He became poor that we may be rich | CCLI | 872237 |
345 | And can it be that I should gain | Public Domain | |
346 | Christ is the worlds light, Christ and none other | CCLI | 2564601 |
347 | Crown him with many crowns | Public Domain | |
348 | He is Lord, He is Lord | Public Domain | |
349 | I am not skilled to understand | Public Domain | |
350 | I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship | Public Domain | |
351 | In Christ alone my hope is found | CCLI | 3350395 |
352 | Jesus Christ is the Lord of all | CCLI | 18163 |
353 | Jesus is Lord, Creation’s voice proclaims it | CCLI | 39829 |
354 | Jesus is the name we honour | CCLI | 871991 |
355 | Jesu, lover of my soul | Public Domain | |
356 | Jesus shall take the highest honour | CCLI | 451380 |
357 | Jesus – the name high over all | Public Domain | |
358 | Let heavan and earth agree | Public Domain | |
359 | Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice | CCLI | 3260210 |
360 | Lord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us | Public Domain | |
361 | Man of Sorrows! What a name | Public Domain | |
362 | Meekness and majesty | CCLI | 1400 |
363 | My Jesus, my Saviour | CCLI | 1406918 |
364 | O for a thousand tongues to sing | Public Domain | |
365 | Jesu, the joy of loving hearts | Public Domain | |
366 | Thou hidden source of calm repose | Public Domain | |
367 | When I was lost, you came and rescued me | CCLI | 3359121 |
368 | When morning gilds the skies | Public Domain | |
369 | Baptise us with your Spirit | CCLI | 4951157 |
370 | Breathe on me, Breath of God | Public Domain | |
371 | Breathe on me, Spirit of Jesus | CCLI | 811236 |
372 | Come down, O love divine | Public Domain | |
373 | Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire | Public Domain | |
374 | Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us | CCLI | 2792693 |
375 | Come, O everlasting Spirit | Public Domain | |
376 | Crashing waters at creation | One License | |
377 | Down the mountain the river flows | CCLI | 1475231 |
378 | Father of everlasting grace | Public Domain | |
379 | Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost | Public Domain | |
380 | Holy breath of God | CCLI | 2955605 |
381 | Holy spirit, breath of heaven | CCLI | 4467366 |
382 | Holy Spirit, come confirm us | CCLI | 1052867 |
383 | Holy Spirit, gift bestower | CCLI | 5135398 |
384 | Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down | CCLI | 2405227 |
385 | Holy Spirit, we welcome you | CCLI | 215942 |
386 | In the beginning was darkness and nothing | CCLI | 5462188 |
387 | Into a world of dark | CCLI | 1590563 |
388 | Let every Christian pray | CCLI | 3200816 |
389 | Like the murmur of the dove’s song | CCLI | 2961864 |
390 | My God! I know, I feel thee mine | Public Domain | |
391 | O breath of life, come sweeping through us | Public Domain | |
392 | O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace | Public Domain | |
393 | She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters | CCLI | 2235806 |
394 | Spirit of God, unseen as the wind | CCLI | 1539476 |
395 | Spirit of the living God | Public Domain | 23488 |
396 | Spirit who broods | CCLI | 5906307 |
397 | The Spirit lives to set us free | CCLI | 2134598 |
398 | There’s a spirit in the air | CCLI | 2566771 |
399 | When deep despair casts out all light | None | |
400 | Wind of God, dynamic Spirit | CCLI | 3210686 |
401 | Come, sinners to the gospel feast | Public Domain | |
402 | Go to the world! Go into all the earth | One License | |
403 | God is love: his the care | Public Domain | |
404 | God’s Spirit is in my heart | CCLI | 4692612 |
405 | Great is the darkness that covers the earth | CCLI | 1022897 |
406 | Have you heard the good news? | CCLI | 1580580 |
407 | Hear the call of the kingdom | CCLI | 4930752 |
408 | How small a spark has lit a living fire! | CCLI | 5021842 |
409 | Let us build a house where love can dwell | One License | 4 |
410 | Lord, your church on earth is seeking | CCLI | 3196119 |
411 | May the God of hope go with us every day | CCLI | 5193990 |
412 | See how great a flame aspires | Public Domain | |
413 | Send down the fire of your justice | One License | |
414 | Shalom chaverim | One License | |
415 | The church of Christ, in every age | CCLI | 266568 |
416 | There’s a wideness in God’s mercy | Public Domain | |
417 | We come from the moutinains, the valleys and plains | One License | |
418 | We have a gospel to proclaim | CCLI | 2649935 |
419 | Almighty God we come to make confession | CCLI | 2347938 |
420 | Because you came and sat beside us | CCLI | 3346639 |
421 | Empty, broken, here I stand | CCLI | 3302130 |
422 | Father, we have sinned | CCLI | 4107705 |
423 | Forgive our sins as we forgive | CCLI | 3162143 |
424 | God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name | CCLI | 13209 |
425 | God of forgiveness, your people you freed | CCLI | 1534488 |
426 | Hark, my soul! It is the Lord | Public Domain | |
427 | I’m accepted, I’m forgiven | CCLI | 190641 |
428 | I’ve come to wash my soul in the living water | CCLI | 4478661 |
429 | Lord, we turn to you for mercy | CCLI | 4921826 |
430 | My lips shall praise you | CCLI | 1109394 |
431 | O, the love of my Lord is the essence | CCLI | 871795 |
432 | O the bitter shame and sorrow | Public Domain | |
433 | Out of the depths I cry to thee | Public Domain | |
434 | Rock of Ages, cleft for me | Public Domain | |
435 | We come to you with no pretence | CCLI | 5929810 |
436 | What shall I do my God to love | Public Domain | |
437 | When the music fades | CCLI | 2296522 |
438 | Your ceaseless, unexhausted love | Public Domain | |
439 | Abba Father, let me be | CCLI | 38686 |
440 | Amazing grace – how sweet the sound | Public Domain | |
441 | As water to the thirsty | CCLI | 3271065 |
442 | Beneath the cross of Jesus | CCLI | 4610917 |
443 | Come, let us sing of a wonderful love | Public Domain | |
444 | Day by day, dear Lord | Public Domain | |
445 | He came to earth, not to be served | CCLI | 722105 |
446 | I will offer up my life | CCLI | 1083764 |
447 | Jesus, be the centre | CCLI | 2650429 |
448 | Lord, in the strength of grace | Public Domain | |
449 | Lord of creation, to you be all praise! | One License | 30247 |
450 | Open, Lord, my inward ear | Public Domain | |
451 | Open the eyes of my heart, Lord | CCLI | 2298355 |
452 | Show me the way of the cross once again | CCLI | 1598974 |
453 | Wash me clean in that cool river | CCLI | 1090908 |
454 | Where shall my wondering sould begin? | Public Domain | |
455 | All my hope on God is founded | Public Domain | |
456 | And are we yet alive | Public Domain | |
457 | Author of faith, eternal Word | Public Domain | |
458 | Away with our fears | Public Domain | |
459 | Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide | Public Domain | |
460 | Come, let us anew | Public Domain | |
461 | Come, O thou Traveller unknown | Public Domain | |
462 | Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world | CCLI | 1074773 |
463 | Deep in the shadows of the past | CCLI | 2678717 |
464 | God it was who said to Abraham | CCLI | 959404 |
465 | Guide me, O thou great Jehovah | Public Domain | |
466 | Have faith in God, my heart | General | … for reproduction on local service sheets; for projection via the Singing the Faith electronic words edition or in other projected formats |
467 | I need thee every hour | Public Domain | |
468 | I was on your mind | CCLI | 2580221 |
469 | I watch the sunrise lighting the sky | CCLI | 2714097 |
470 | Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided | CCLI | 224957 |
471 | Lord, I come to You | CCLI | 917491 |
472 | May the Sending One sing in you | CCLI | 3593468 |
473 | ‘Moses I know you’re the man,’ the Lord said | CCLI | 862089 |
474 | Neither death nor life | One License | |
475 | O God of Bethel, by whose hand | Public Domain | |
476 | One more step along the world I go | CCLI | 299425 |
477 | Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart | CCLI | 1042097 |
478 | Thank you, O God, for the time that is now | CCLI | 336591 |
479 | The King of love my Shepherd is | Public Domain | |
480 | The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want | Public Domain | |
481 | The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want | CCLI | 1585970 |
482 | There is no moment in my life | CCLI | 963483 |
483 | We are marching in the light of God | CCLI | 320947 |
484 | We will walk with God, my brothers | CCLI | 4602860 |
485 | When we are living, we are in the Lord | CCLI | 4564049 |
486 | Who would true valour see | Public Domain | |
487 | You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace | CCLI | 20546 |
488 | You showed us mercy when we were in darkness | CCLI | 6148308 |
489 | All I once held dear | CCLI | 1045238 |
490 | Being of beings, God of love | Public Domain | |
491 | As servants working an estate | CCLI | 3414561 |
492 | Christ be my Leader by night as by day | CCLI | 2865850 |
493 | Come, Lord, to our souls come down | CCLI | 1567864 |
494 | Come, thou fount of every blessing | Public Domain | |
495 | Dear Lord and Father of mankind | Public Domain | |
496 | God, beyond our dreams, you have stirred in us a memory | One License | 80558 |
497 | God in my living | CCLI | 4685258 |
498 | God of all power, and truth, and grace | Public Domain | |
499 | Great God, your love has called us here | CCLI | 2573609 |
500 | Happy are they who find the grace | Public Domain | |
501 | Help us, O Lord, to learn | CCLI | 2640635 |
502 | I know that my Redeemer lives | Public Domain | |
503 | Love divine, all loves excelling | Public Domain | |
504 | May the mind of Christ my Saviour | Public Domain | |
505 | More like you, Jesus, more like you | CCLI | 2145051 |
506 | My heart is full of Christ, and longs | Public Domain | |
507 | O for a heart to priase my God | Public Domain | |
508 | Purify my Heart | CCLI | 426298 |
509 | Safe in the shadow of the Lord | CCLI | 2643137 |
510 | Says Jesus, “Come and gather round | CCLI | 5283800 |
511 | Speak in the stillness, God we pray | CCLI | 5914382 |
512 | Stupendous height of heavenly love | Public Domain | |
513 | Take this moment, sign and space | CCLI | 1430623 |
514 | The thirsty deer longs for the streams | One License | |
515 | Unless the Lord builds the house | General permission given by Jonathan Nowell in email to Chris 9/9/2021 | |
516 | What shall I do my God to love | Public Domain | |
517 | Eternal father, strong to save | Public Domain | |
518 | Father, hear the prayer we offer | Public Domain | |
519 | Father, I place into your hands | CCLI | 180297 |
520 | Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart | Public Domain | |
521 | Here as we kneel, here as we pray | CCLI | 1577627 |
522 | I should like to speak to you | CCLI | 3330391 |
523 | It’s me, it’s me, O Lord | Public Domain | |
524 | Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak | CCLI | 4514958 |
525 | Look around you,can you see? | CCLI | 217469 |
526 | Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy | CCLI | 4778835 |
527 | Pray for a world where every child | One License | 30418 |
528 | Pray, without ceasing, pray | Public Domain | |
529 | Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire | Public Domain | |
530 | To be in your presence | CCLI | 918122 |
531 | What a friend we have in Jesus | Public Domain | |
532 | Born in a stable | CCLI | 7135390 |
533 | Covenant child | CCLI | 2494582 |
534 | Eternal God, we praise your love | CCLI | 3607378 |
535 | God, when I came into this life | CCLI | 3200043 |
536 | He’s got the whole world in his hand | Public Domain | |
537 | Lord Jesus, once a child | CCLI | 851409 |
538 | Now through the grace of God we claim | CCLI | 3374663 |
539 | On this Baptism Day, God we thank you | CCLI | 6148346 |
540 | The day the universe was started | CCLI | 6163204 |
541 | To the river I am going | CCLI | 4316864 |
542 | We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ | One License | 10199 |
543 | Wonder of wonders | CCLI | 3368428 |
544 | As the deer pants for the water | CCLI | 1431 |
545 | Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart | Public Domain | |
546 | Behold the servant of the Lord! | Public Domain | |
547 | Beyond these walls of worship | CCLI | 6148274 |
548 | Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine | Public Domain | |
549 | Come, let us use the grace divine | Public Domain | |
550 | Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go | Public Domain | |
551 | Giving it all to you | CCLI | 3187939 |
552 | Here am I Lord I’ve come to do your will | General | |
553 | I am a new creation | CCLI | 48425 |
554 | In this place, with God’s word | None | |
555 | Jesus, all for Jesus | CCLI | 879168 |
556 | Just as I am, without one plea | CCLI | 1039000 |
557 | Let him to whom we now belong | Public Domain | |
558 | Lord, you have come to the seashore | One License | 81317 |
559 | Lord you have my heart | CCLI | 1108735 |
560 | My eyes be open to your presence | CCLI | 3355101 |
561 | Now I have found the ground wherein | Public Domain | |
562 | O God what offering shall I give | Public Domain | |
563 | O Jesus I have Promised | Public Domain | |
564 | O Thou who camest from above | Public Domain | |
565 | Only by grace can we enter | CCLI | 190579 |
566 | Take my life, and let it be | Public Domain | |
567 | You are the centre, you are my life | CCLI | 2592776 |
568 | Alleluia! Sing to Jesus | Public Domain | |
569 | An upper room did our Lord prepare | CCLI | 2551425 |
570 | As we gather, Father, seal us | CCLI | 4262042 |
571 | As your family, Lord, see us here | Public Domain | |
572 | Author of life divine | Public Domain | |
573 | Be known to us in breaking bread | Public Domain | |
574 | Because you have said | Public Domain | |
575 | Before I take the body of my Lord | CCLI | 1053110 |
576 | Bread is blessed and broken | CCLI | 4560744 |
577 | Bread of life, hope of the world | One License | 80555 |
578 | Bread of Life, Truth Eternal | CCLI | 2098899 |
579 | Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed | Public Domain | |
580 | Come, Lord, be our guest | CCLI | 4561509 |
581 | Come, my table is a meeting place | CCLI | 3222667 |
582 | Eat this bread and never hunger | CCLI | 1699172 |
583 | Eat this bread, drink this cup | One License | |
584 | Food to pilgrims given | CCLI | 4211732 |
585 | God, whose love is all around us | CCLI | 1083238 |
586 | Here is bread, here is wine | CCLI | 983717 |
587 | I am the bread, the bread of life | CCLI | 1221100 |
588 | I come with joy, a child of God | CCLI | 2802284 |
589 | In bread we bring you, Lord | CCLI | 740156 |
590 | Jesus, we thus we obey | Public Domain | |
591 | Let all mortal flesh keep silence | Public Domain | |
592 | Let us break bread together with the Lord | Public Domain | |
593 | Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour | Public Domain | |
594 | Lord Jesus Christ, You have come to us | CCLI | 40241 |
595 | Lord, we have come at your own invitation | CCLI | 3157299 |
596 | Now let us from this table rise | CCLI | 2566551 |
597 | O thou who this mysterious bread | Public Domain | |
598 | Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast | CCLI | 4611318 |
599 | Up to your table, Lord, you call us | General permission given by Jonathan Nowell in email to Chris 9/9/2021 | |
600 | Victim divine, thy grace we claim | Public Domain | |
601 | We do not presume to come to this table | Public Domain | |
602 | With all my heart, I thank you, Lord | CCLI | 528189 |
603 | Come to a wedding, come to a blessing | CCLI | 3372579 |
604 | Let’s praise the creator who gave us each other | CCLI | 4945448 |
605 | O perfect love, all human thought transcending | Public Domain | |
606 | We pledge to one another | None | |
607 | When love is found and hope comes home | CCLI | 149087 |
608 | All praise to our redeeming Lord | Public Domain | |
609 | As we gather in your presence now | CCLI | 5604977 |
610 | Best of all is God is with us | CCLI | 5462274 |
611 | Brother, sister, let me serve you | CCLI | 72673 |
612 | God give us life | CCLI | 4561592 |
613 | God, how can we forgive | One License | 4799 |
614 | God loves you, and I love you | Public Domain | |
615 | Let love be real, in giving and receiving | CCLI | 3200452 |
616 | Lord, in our lonely hours | CCLI | 3209848 |
617 | O blessed spring, where Word and sign | One License | 86205 |
618 | Sacred the body God has created | One License | 13440 |
619 | Thanks for friends who keep on loving | General | |
620 | Thou God of truth and love | Public Domain | |
621 | When memory fades and recognition falters | One License | |
622 | When our caring love wears thin | CCLI | 4515043 |
623 | A safe stronghold our God is still | Public Domain | Permission given by the beneficiaries of the estate of the late Rupert Davies v4 |
624 | Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm | One License | 35778 |
625 | Deep in the darkness a starlight is gleaming | None | |
626 | Even though I walk through the valley | CCLI | 4674166 |
627 | Everyone needs compassion | CCLI | 4591782 |
628 | Faithful One, so unchanging | CCLI | 465840 |
629 | God of my faith, I offer you my doubt | CCLI | 5799253 |
630 | How long, O Lord, will you forget | CCLI | 2708357 |
631 | I lift my eyes up to the mountains | CCLI | 317936 |
632 | I’ve had questions without answers | CCLI | 4107822 |
633 | My soul find rest in God alone | CCLI | 5040902 |
634 | Fight the good fight with all your might | Public Domain | |
635 | My troubled soul, why so weighed down | CCLI | 3466935 |
636 | O love that wilt not let me go | Public Domain | |
637 | Soldiers of Christ, arise | Public Domain | |
638 | Through all the changing scenes of life | Public Domain | |
639 | Through the love of God our Saviour | Public Domain | |
640 | We turn to God when we are sorely pressed | CCLI | 5159972 |
641 | When circumstances make my life | CCLI | 2763646 |
642 | When I’m feeling down and sad | CCLI | 1581060 |
643 | When, O God, our faith is tested | CCLI | 1046646 |
644 | When our confidence is shaken | CCLI | 3109072 |
645 | Will your anchor hold in the storms of life | Public Domain | |
646 | Come, and let us sweetly join | Public Domain | |
647 | God grant us words to speak | CCLI | 3528921 |
648 | God to enfold you, Christ to uphold you | CCLI | 2576486 |
649 | God! When human bonds are broken | CCLI | 603729 |
650 | Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer | Public Domain | |
651 | Lord of life, we come to you | One License | 10592 |
652 | Lord, we come to ask your healing | CCLI | 3268559 |
653 | O Christ. The healer, we have come | CCLI | 2854744 |
654 | The love of God comes close | CCLI | 3330315 |
655 | We cannot measure how you heal | CCLI | 961368 |
656 | When the bonds of love are breaking | One License | |
657 | You give rest to the weary | CCLI | 4814328 |
658 | A charge to keep I have | Public Domain | |
659 | As dawn awakes another day | CCLI | 6164375 |
660 | Called by Christ to be disciples | CCLI | 5106585 |
661 | Give me the faith that can remove | Public Domain | |
662 | Have you heard God’s voice: has your heart been stirred | General | Permitted by writer – see Jacquie G Jones’ website |
663 | I, the Lord of sea and sky | One License | 80670 |
664 | Lord, you call us to your service | Specific | SJPB & HRMC permission only – with acknowledgement on screen: ©The Leaders of Worship & Preachers Trust |
665 | Make us your prophets, Lord | CCLI | 4957852 |
666 | Master speak! Thy servant heareth | Public Domain | |
667 | O Watcher in the wilderness | General | |
668 | Teach me, My God and King | Public Domain | |
669 | The Saviour, when to heaven he rose | Public Domain | |
670 | We have nothing to give | CCLI | 4328876 |
671 | What shall we offer our good Lord | Public Domain | |
672 | Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master? | CCLI | 6164461 |
673 | Will you come and follow me if I but call your name | CCLI | 4668756 |
674 | Would I have answered when you called | One License | |
675 | Because the Saviour prayed that we be one | CCLI | 4924184 |
676 | Christ, from whom all blessings flow | Public Domain | |
677 | Christ is made the sure foundation | Public Domain | |
678 | Come all who look to Christ today | None | |
679 | Come, build the church – not heaps of stone | CCLI | 3587797 |
680 | Come, Host of heaven’s high dwelling place | CCLI | 1075961 |
681 | Community of Christ | CCLI | 3755392 |
682 | God of grace and God of glory | One License | 97297 |
683 | Geat is our redeeming Lord | Public Domain | |
684 | Here on the threshold of a new beginning | CCLI | 2949226 |
685 | In Christ there is no east or west | Public Domain | |
686 | Jesus, Lord, we look to thee | Public Domain | |
687 | One human family God has made | CCLI | 2421926 |
688 | One is the body and one is the Head | CCLI | 1099301 |
689 | Summoned by the God who made us | One License | 83450 |
690 | The Church’s one foundation | Public Domain | |
691 | What shall our greeting be | CCLI | 491340 |
692 | Your hand, O God, has guided | Public Domain | |
693 | Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair | CCLI | 1236690 |
694 | By the Babylonian rivers | One License | 13169 |
695 | Come, now, you blessed, eat at my table | One License | |
696 | For the healing of the nations | CCLI | 3200067 |
697 | Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom | General | |
698 | God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind | CCLI | 3162222 |
699 | God of justice, Saviour to all | CCLI | 4447128 |
700 | God weeps at love withheld | CCLI | 4069142 |
701 | Heaven shall not wait | CCLI | 4559906 |
702 | I will speak out for those who have no voices | CCLI | 689035 |
703 | In an age of twisted values | CCLI | 3121672 |
704 | In labour all creation groans | None | One License (not on system has to be be written up as a MANUAL entry). |
705 | It is God who holds the nations | CCLI | 2564436 |
706 | Longing for light, we wait in darkness | One License | 80229 |
707 | Make me a channel of your peace | One License | 80478 |
708 | O God of hope, your prophets spoke | CCLI | 2955533 |
709 | Of all the Spirit’s gifts to me | CCLI | 3366004 |
710 | Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord | CCLI | 631904 |
711 | Pray for the church, afflicted and oppressed | CCLI | 3221912 |
712 | Put peace into each other’s hands | CCLI | 430916 |
713 | Show me how to stand for justice | CCLI | 3484230 |
714 | The God who sings | None | |
715 | The right hand of God is writing in our land | One License | 95177 |
716 | There are no strangers to God’s love | CCLI | 5929779 |
717 | We do not hope to ease our minds | CCLI | 4330259 |
718 | We lay our broken world | One License | 102172 |
719 | We pray for peace | CCLI | 1565464 |
720 | We turn to you, O God of every nation | CCLI | 1053196 |
721 | What shall we pray for those who died | CCLI | 1559748 |
722 | When mountains that we thought secure | CCLI | 5916476 |
723 | Who can sound the depths of sorrow | CCLI | 30581 |
724 | As if you were not there | CCLI | 1097145 |
725 | As the glory of creation | CCLI | 272071 |
726 | Come to us, creative Spirit | CCLI | 3258923 |
727 | God in his love for us lent us this planet | CCLI | 2564065 |
728 | O God, you search me and you know me | One License | 80099 |
729 | Touch the earth lightly | CCLI | 3156843 |
730 | We follow the Lord along the gradual road to heaven | None | |
731 | When, in our music, God is glorified | CCLI | 2631390 |
732 | Day of judgment! Day of wonder! | Public Domain | |
733 | God, hold us, enfold us, through desolate loss | CCLI | 6164681 |
734 | Going home, moving on | CCLI | 3170915 |
735 | How blest are they who trust in Christ | CCLI | 3388886 |
736 | In heavenly love abiding | Public Domain | |
737 | Into the hands that blessed the children | CCLI | 5485196 |
738 | There is a new heaven; there is a new earth | One License | |
739 | Through the rivers of our tears | CCLI | 6164746 |
740 | We cannot care for you the way we wanted | One License | 11629 |
741 | We pray until the hour | None | |
742 | We trust the mighty love of God | CCLI | 3573536 |
743 | Come, let us join our cheerful songs | Public Domain | |
744 | Come, let us join our friends above | Public Domain | |
745 | For all the saints who from their labours rest | Public Domain | |
746 | For all the saints who showed your love | CCLI | 2166745 |
747 | Give me the wings of faith to rise | Public Domain | |
748 | Glorious things of thee are spoken | Public Domain | |
749 | Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open | CCLI | 5893324 |
750 | Kyrie eleison | Public Domain | |
751 | Lord, have mercy | Public Domain | |
752 | Glory to God, glory to God | One License | |
753 | Glory to God, glory to God | Public Domain | |
754 | Glory, glory, glory in the highest | Public Domain | |
755 | Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! | Public Domain | |
756 | Alleluia! Alleluia! | Public Domain | |
757 | The word of the Lord lasts for ever | One License | 117400 |
758 | Alleluia, alleluia | Public Domain | |
759 | Come, O Lord, give us your Spirit | Public Domain | |
760 | Mayenziwe ‘ntando yakho | Public Domain | |
761 | Merciful Lord | None | |
762 | Our Father, who art in heaven | Public Domain | |
763 | Our father in heaven | Public Domain | |
764 | We believe in God the Father | CCLI | 3095038 |
765 | Blessing and honour | CCLI | 1076568 |
766 | Holy, holy, holy God of power and might | None | |
767 | Lamb of God, (Lamb of God) | Public Domain | |
768 | The Peace of the Lord be always with you | CCLI | 1537856 |
769 | All glory to the Father be | Public Domain | |
770 | Amen siakudumisa | Public Domain | |
771 | May the love of the Lord rest upon your soul | None | |
772 | May the road rise up to meet you | Public Domain | |
773 | Praise the lover of Creation | CCLI | 3593736 |
774 | The peace of the earth be with you | One License | 3990 |
775 | Ewe, thina | General | |
776 | In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful | One License | |
777 | Jesus remember me | One License | |
778 | Laudate Dominum | One License | |
779 | Santo, Santo, Santo | CCLI | 4395689 |
780 | Stay with me | One License | |
781 | Take, oh take me as I am | CCLI | 1073750 |
782 | Thuma mina | General | |
783 | Ubi caritas et amor | Public Domain | |
784 | Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy | Public Domain | |
785 | Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might | Public Domain | |
786 | When we eat this bread | Public Domain | |
787 | Lamb of God | Public Domain | |
788 | Kyrie eleison | Public Domain | |
789 | Holy, holy, holy Lord | Public Domain | |
790 | Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world | Public Domain |