A Journey Through Lent – Day Twelve
Day Twelve – The Stone.
Jesus’ explanation of the parable of the tenants quotes this Psalm: “Have you not read this Scripture: ‘This stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?”
At this time of Lent we remember that we are called to worship and obedience. But often we reject his messengers. The quiet voices of angels and prophets. The open arms of our Lord Jesus. The warmth of the Holy Spirit speaking in our hearts.
Our rejection has led to the death of Christ but death could not hold him.
We can rejoice because Jesus is the cornerstone of salvation, for everyone who believes.
We need to remember that the very fabric of our lives is built upon and supported by our cornerstone, Jesus.
In him we will live and never die.
Bible Passage: – Psalm 118:22-24 (NIV)
The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvellous in our eyes.
The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.
Contemplation Saying.
“let us rejoice today and be glad.”
Contemplative Prayer.
Think of the saying in order to understand context and meaning,
Feel the meaning of the saying with and in your heart,
Pray, using the saying, for yourself or others. With only a name and without explaining the reasons or pre-defining any answers.
Listen for God’s voice in the quiet of your prayers.
Pray using your own prayers or one of those which have been prepared below.
Hymn: Singing the Faith – “Let the Son of God enfold you”
Let us pray together.
Twitter Prayer
We pray that we may shine with the reflection of your glory in our lives, let all those who are yet to know you, see your love reflected in our lives.
Facebook Prayer
Let us say each and every day, in confidence and with loud voices, that the Lord is the sure cornerstone of our lives.
We pray that we may shine with the reflection of your glory in our lives, let all those who are yet to know you, see your love reflected in our lives.
Hear our prayers as we lift the names of those especially dear to us who have not yet discovered your love.
Open their eyes, minds and hearts to your love. Amen
Full Prayer
Wonderous God, from seeming defeat and dreadful loss, you have raised Jesus from death.
So we are able to say, “We shall not die, but we shall live” .
We hear the words of this Psalm, Lord, and we want to rejoice and be glad, filled with a spirit of praise. Today and every day.
We thank you that you sent your Son, Jesus to be a pattern for our lives.
That he is the cornerstone of our very existence. That despite our repeated rejection of your call, you are willing to give us a fresh start over and over again because of him.
Lord, we wonder at your willingness to die for us and weep with joy at your generosity.
As we waste chance upon chance to settle our lives firmly in your pathway. You give us countless chances to return to your loving embrace.
Lord, even when we have learned the knowledge of your sure foundation, on which we build our lives. We are a bit dim and are easily distracted and diverted from that truth, as our humanity overcomes us.
Help us to keep your flame always alive in our hearts. Send us, we pray, signs and messengers to ever remind us of your strength which holds our lives together.
Let us say each and every day, in confidence and with loud voices that the Lord is with us.
We know that all we are comes from you, and any good we do is a reflection of that gift.
We pray that we may shine with the reflection of your glory in our lives, let all those who are yet to know you, see your love reflected in our lives.
Hear our prayers as we lift the names of those especially dear to us who have not yet discovered your love.
You are our God; not just in our time in church, but in every moment and part of our lives.
You are our God, and you call us to be Your children.
Let us rejoice and be glad, in that knowledge, today and every day. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.