Revd J. Daniel Yovan’s Pastoral Letter – October 2023
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Pastoral letter
Rev J Daniel Yovan
Made perfect first in love, and sanctified by grace, we shall from earth remove, and see his glorious face:
his love shall then be fully showed, and we shall all be lost in God.
Charles Wesley, Stf 208, v.5.
Dear sisters and brothers,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who brought us together as one family.
It is a joy and privilege to be among you in St Albans. We are settling in well. Thank you once again for your warm welcome and support during the first few weeks. We are getting to know you and the area. By the love of God we have been sanctified day by day. God’s Spirit will lead us in the right path. We have a hope of eternal life through Christ Jesus and we are asked to keep our eyes focused on him always.
I know some of us are going through some health issues and other family circumstances. Please be assured that God who called you will be with you till the end. He will not leave you or forsake you. The promise we have in Jesus is for now and forever. While we keep our eyes on Jesus, we also have a ‘real job’ to do that is to witness to his saving grace to all those that are close to us. Let us keep one another in our prayers and support one another. The word we are living is in a lot of needs. Let us keep praying for the people of Morocco, Libya, Ukraine and Russia. When we see the terrible news of the world’s events, our hearts cries out, ‘how long’. However, the assurance that God is still on the throne, and nothing is happening in the world without God’s knowledge, is comforting. The beautiful world has been inflicted by those irresponsible leaders of the world. We need to pray for everyone including those leaders of the nations around the world. God will bring an end to this chaos in His own time. But for now let us keep praying and serving one another. Please let me know if anyone need a prayer or a visit.
May God continue to lead, guide and protect you until he comes. Amen.
Rev J Daniel Yovan, Tel: 01727 851834, Email:
October ’23.