Lent 2023 – Day 36 – Luke 22 v 1-30
“In the same way…”
The obvious theme for today is our celebration of Holy Communion. Jesus takes the ordinary bread and wine and in this moment places a responsibility on all of us to remember him every time we eat or drink.
I have to confess that it was painful to me that, during the pandemic, we were not able to take communion. A fact really brought home to me when we shared the first communion after such a long time without. As I looked at the small wafer in my hand I started to feel tears form in my eyes as we once again ate and drank together in that act of shared communion.
Although I love the Church such a fuss was made of preventing the sharing of communion. Offers of watching someone else take communion and somehow participate in the act rang hollow. Theological problems were cited as to why the internet could not be used but never explained. We are expected to be given the opportunity to share in communion once a month and yet for 18 months that was too difficult to fix.I am delighted to say that we are in a period where online communion is being trialed and although we have not done this ourselves yet. I hope and pray that it will be continued beyond this trial period for those who want to share together with their friends and fellowship in this most wonderful of acts.
I do not have a problem with how we celebrate communion and love the liturgies that we use to do so. However, once in a while my rebellious side, and I still have one, would say to the learned theologians and experts in liturgy, where in the gospels does Jesus say – only after a suitably ordained person has said the appropriate words of blessing over the ordinary things of communion should you do this to remember me. I don’t want to argue about it or even particularly change it but I have to be honest and say sometimes it really does wind me up.
Personally I feel that, in this act, Jesus asks us each and every time we eat and drink to be thankful for the good things God has given to us and to keep him at the forefront of our minds every day of our lives. Doing so in the act of meeting our most necessary and simplest needs, to sustain our bodies in their need for food and drink. In doing so we also meet our spiritual need for God’s presence in our daily lives.
Hymn: Singing the Faith – 581 – “Come my table is a meeting place”
Contemplation Words
“In the same way…”
Let us pray together.
Contemplative Prayer
Think of the words in order to understand context and meaning, Feel the meaning of the words with and in your heart, Pray, using the words, for yourself or others. With only a name and without explaining the reasons or pre-defining any answers. Listen for God’s voice in the quiet of your prayers. Pray using your own prayers or one of those which have been prepared below.Twitter Prayer
Loving God, we thank you for the gifts you give to us of food and drink which sustain our bodies so that we can live our lives in your service. AmenFull Prayer
Copyright Notices
Reflections and Prayers
By Chris HancockHymns
Hymn words where displayed are in the Public Domain. Hymn organ recordings where used are from Small Church Music. Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Hymnary.org. Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. Other hymns are from YouTube and covered by YouTube copyright processes.Bible Readings
Bible readings are from the New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.Images
Images where used are from pixabay.com and free for commercial use no attribution required.Background Music
The background music in today’s recordings is: Music from Pixabay Relaxing Music Vol.12 – Relaxing Time slightly edited by Chris Hancock as permitted by the Pixabay licence.