Category: Our Worship

Sunday Worship

At Hatfield Road we have a rich variety of worship.

Our main Worship is on a Sunday Morning at 10:30

This follows a regular pattern:

1st All Age Family Worship and Parade
2nd Methodist Worship
3rd Methodist Worship with Holy Communion
4th Methodist Worship
5th (As appropriate) Methodist Worship with a parallel Children's worship service

This pattern is varied slightly by the seasonal festivals of Easter and Christmas

On the first Sunday of the month there is a 09:00 worship with communion.This is a quieter more reflective act of worship than the 10:30

On the Third Sunday of the month at 7:00pm there is a Quiet Reflective service.
This is as the name suggests a time for more reflective worship. In the past these have included the use of Taize style worship, prayer vigils and guided reflection on current topics.

On the fourth Sunday of the month at 7:00pm there is a Prayer and Praise service.
This is a much “freer” opportunity for worship with opportunity to share our walk with God and sing together as the Spirit leads us.

We hope you can join us at any of our services to worship God together.

Worship this morning is led by Rev Andrew Prout and is a shortened Covenant Service with Holy Communion. The service is at 9:00am. It is followed by the monthly Create and Celebrate service which...
