Day Three – My iPod and some Plectrum
Music is a big part of my life and I expect the same is the case for most of us. It lifts us, makes us emotional, reflects our moods and for those of us who play musical instruments allows us to express ourselves, however capable we are, in a beautiful way.
Music, in worship, enables us to draw closer to God. Through the words which have been crafted, shaped and moulded to a tune and in the careful drawing together of the hymns and music by the person who is leading the service.
There are many types of music which can be and are used in our worship. Some suit all of us some a few but the motivation behind both the writing and selecting of music for worship is always to draw us into the presence of God.
So today we pray for music, composers, musicians and ourselves as we experience the sensations music invokes in us.
Let us pray
Loving God, we thank you for the gift of music.
We celebrate those who are talented in the art of writing,
words and music which reveal more of you to us.
We thank you for the emotions which music can draw out in us.
For the hymns and songs which prepare us to meet with you.
We pray for the times when we share music together in worship,
Let the words and tunes of our hymns and songs
lift us into your presence.
As we worship may our voices cry out our hymns of praise.
May we sing together with passion and enthusiasm.
We pray for musicians in every sphere of life
for their dedication to practice and the development of their skills.
We pray for our own music group
and their preparation for our worship each week.
We pray for ourselves that we may be open
to a variety of types of music in our worship
Help us not be limited by the music we prefer
to the exclusion of others.
We pray that others may be inspired
to offer their talents to the music making
in our fellowship together.
Loving God, we pray, that as we sing
our theology and the words of your Holy Scriptures,
that we may have our hearts open to your Word to us.
Let our music not only be enjoyable but also inspirational
in our relationship with you.
We pray your blessing on each of us,
through our music, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Some resources which might be helpful in our times of devotion.
Hymn – Singing the Faith 21 – Born in Song!
Reading – Psalm 98 – “Sing to the Lord a New Song”.