Lent 2023 – Day Seventeen – Luke 12 v 1 – 34
Welcome to our Daily reflections for Lent.
We have provided a number of ways of using these reflections.
- You can listen to it in podcast style by clicking on the first audio file. (approx 17 minutes);
- You can listen to the reflection and the prayers with a shortened length for personal prayer (approx 6 minutes);
- You can read your own version of the Bible and then listen to the reflection, play the hymn in the embedded YouTube clip and then listen to the prayer section;
- You can choose to just read through it and ignore the audio files; or
- any combination of the above.
However you choose to use them we hope you will find them helpful and thought provoking.
Full Audio of today’s reflection including Bible reading (approx 17 minutes).
Audio of reflection and shortened prayer section (approx 6 minutes).
Read Luke Chapter 12 Verses 1-34. In your own preferred version. The audio uses the NIV.
Link to the Bible Gateway NIV version (opens in a new tab)

“Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered”
As I read today’s passage I was struck by the detail in which God knows each of us. It echoes my favourite Psalm Psalm 139. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
I am blessed with both children and grandchildren. They are a delight of my life.
When the children were younger, many enjoyable hours were spent watching them play sport, performing whether acting, singing or playing musical instruments. And that is something that I really miss now they are grown, although perhaps the endless driving to practices, training and games has faded in my memory. The tension of hoping they would give their very best and avoid mistakes. The excitement of a goal or try scored, a piece of dance or music completed.
My parents never came to watch me play rugby – perhaps the bruises and boot stud scars I often seemed to acquire on my legs and back were enough to put them off experiencing the damage happening first hand. I can’t really blame them for that! Mum was always quick with the ointments and potions when I came home, although the salt baths she advised were perhaps a step too far.
The passage and my experiences, speak to me of how much more God watches his children. In joy and probably quite a lot of the time in frustration. When we do not quite get it right more times than we do get it right. He is with us even in the murky depths of the rucks of life where the boots are flying and our bodies are suffering. He does not turn away and like a loving parent he picks us up whether in victory or defeat, whether in triumph or disaster, no matter how battered and bruised we are. He sets us back on our feet and encourages us to try again assured that he is with us every step of the way.
Hymn: Singing the Faith 728 – “O God, you search me and you know me”
Contemplation Words
“Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered”
Let us pray together.
Contemplative Prayer
Think of the words in order to understand context and meaning, Feel the meaning of the words with and in your heart,
Pray, using the words, for yourself or others. With only a name and without explaining the reasons or pre-defining any answers.
Listen for God’s voice in the quiet of your prayers.
Pray using your own prayers or one of those which have been prepared below.
Twitter Prayer
Lord, we are filled with awe and wonder with the knowledge that you know each one of us from our very beginning to our end. We come to worship you in that awe and wonder. Amen
Facebook Prayer
Lord we thank you that despite knowing all of our wrinkles and flaws, the many times we fall short of what you desire for us you are loving and forgiving. Setting us once more on our feet and encouraging us along our journeys with you. Amen.
Full Prayer
Lord we thank you that you are a constant presence in our lives. Ready to celebrate with us in life’s victories and comfort us in our failures. We are filled with wonder that you know each one of us from our beginning to our end and we worship you in that awe and wonder. We often are battered and bruised by life, sometimes physically perhaps more often mentally and spiritually. You are always there sending us friends and parents who patch us up and gather us into their warm embrace restoring us and preparing us to face the storms of life again.
Lord sometimes it is a fearful thing to think that you know me so well. The things I disguise and hide from others. when I am low in spirit, when I have wandered from your path, when life is just all too much. Yet I take strength from that knowledge that despite my faults and weaknesses you are my loving God, who guides my feet on my journey as your disciple.
This Lenten time may I once again embrace you in my life and offer all that I am to love others and to love myself regardless of all of their and my faults and failings. Amen
Copyright Notices
Reflections and Prayers
By Chris Hancock
Hymn words where displayed are in the Public Domain. Hymn organ recordings where used are from Small Church Music. Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Hymnary.org. Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. Other hymns are from YouTube and covered by YouTube copyright processes.
Bible Readings
Bible readings are from the New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Images where used are from pixabay.com and free for commercial use no attribution required.
Background Music
The background music in today’s recordings is: Music from Pixabay Relaxing Music Vol.12 – Relaxing Time slightly edited by Chris Hancock as permitted by the Pixabay licence.