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Community Activities

The Aldersgate Café

The Aldersgate Café is open every Tuesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am, and serves freshly brewed coffee and homemade cakes. Tea and chocolate are also available, as well as a selection of Fair Trade juices and biscuits.

Cafe poster

Everyone is welcome, whether they plan to meet friends for a chat, need a sympathetic ear to listen to a problem or would simply like to read a newspaper.

Cafe in action

We have a very popular children’s area, equipped with books, crayons and a variety of quiet toys, which is designed to help parents or carers of young children keep their little ones occupied, while they enjoy a well earned cuppa.

The café runs throughout the year, including half terms and holidays.

Do come and join us.

Photographs of the foyer after it has been prepared for the cafe but ahead of the normal rush of people! Sunlight streaming through the skylights