
    JMA Logo

    JMA Logo

    JMA Badges

JMA Rainbow badges


Church Activities

Junior Mission for All - JMA

The JMA Promise is to:

Learn, pray and serve with the world-wide Church of Jesus Christ.

JMA was created to help children be involved in and learn about Missionary work at home and overseas.

Our JMA service will be held on 2nd November at 10:30 and is led by our own Dr Mary Groves.

JMA Certificate

At this service the certificates and badges will be awarded to our collectors.

Please support the children in their collecting and if you do not give regularly to one of the collectors please think about whether this is something you could do.

Half Penny

It does not need to be a large amount. Some of us still remember collecting old "ship" ha'pennies each week (approximately 0.2p).

Contact: Ruth Wallace