John Denton - Obituary Minutes of Conference 1851

(11.) John Denton. He obtained clear views of the Gospel plan of salvation by hearing Mr. Wesley in his native town of Halifax. After earnest seeking, he found mercy through faith in the crucified Redeemer ; and soon the love of Christ constrained him to various acts of usefulness, until called into the ministry in 1739.

For a period of thirty-six years he laboured acceptably and useftiUy in the vineyard of the Lord. Accumulating infirmi- ties then compelled him to relinquish the active duties of the itinerancy. He was distinguished by great simplicity of manners. His countenance, conversation, and habitual deportment evinced the ingenuousness and Christian integrity of his character.

At the period of his uniting with the church, being then seventeen years of age, he solemnly covenanted with the Lord to be His. The last record in his diary, made during his eightieth year, indicates his assured hope of shortly entering into the joy of his Lord. Sometimes he suffered from physical and mental depres- sion; but his confidence in God was unshaken.

His views of Divine truth were clear, and his discourses plain, practical, and edifying. Many acknowledged him as the instrument, in the hand of God, of their conversion. His life was consistent with his profession, and in accordance with the word of God. He was faithful as a Pastor of the flock ; and, after he became a Supemu- rnerary, it was the ruling desire of his heart to use his little remaining strength in promoting the cause of the Redeemer. For the last six years he was entirely confined to his house by repeated attacks of paralysis ; so that he was no longer able to join in the services of the sanctuary, — a privilege he had highly prized. He often gave expression to the most humbling views of himself, and to his entire dependence on the mercy of God through Christ. He suffered much during the few months preceding his death, and expired in peace, February 21st, 1851, in the eightieth year of his age ; having sustained an unblemished reputation through the whole of his Christian course.